【受付終了】Housing Policies in Brazil and Sao Paulo|比較住宅都市研究会(2019/10/25|東京)


Despite major urban developments throughout the decades, both the housing supply and living conditions for low-income people in Brazil remain inadequate. Sprawling slums are endemic in large cities, while most rural dwellers live without amenities such as piped water and electricity. At last estimate (2016), the housing deficit is around 8 million units and such deficit refers to the number of shelters which do not have adequate conditions to be habitable, plus the number of housing units that need to be built to shelter all families who currently lack one and, as a result, share a shelter with another household in overcrowded conditions. Known as favelas, overpopulated units are not built according to any laws or safety regulations, and thus residents are constantly at risk of being killed in landslides or fires. This rapid rate of illegal occupation of urban land has led to serious problems not only for the residents, but also for the entire city at large as well as the city’s landscape and the natural environment of the surrounding areas. Under an attempt to overcome the mentioned problems, the Brazilian government launched in 2009 a programme called “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” (My Home, My Life) that helped ? and still helps – low-income families to build their homes, but such programme has been largely criticized by national and international institutions. This presentation will approach the past and actual conditions of housing and related public policies in Brazil, their positive and negative outcomes, and will focus on the city of Sao Paulo as case study.


2019-10-25(金) 18:30~20:30


都立大学同窓会 八雲クラブ ニュー渋谷コーポラス10階 1001号室 渋谷区宇田川町12-3


Felipe Francisco De Souza (Ph.D. in urban engineering from the University of Tokyo and Project Research Fellow at Lincoln Institute of Land Policy)


Former senior consultant for the UN-Habitat and the World Bank, responsible for policy reports on metropolitan governance, comprehensive development plans and planning instruments. Having just accomplished his Ph.D. degree in urban engineering at the University of Tokyo, he is the author of articles and books on the previously mentioned themes, including the latest book “Land Readjustment: Solving Urban Problems Through Innovative Approach” (ed. 2018 with Takeo Ochi and Akio Hosono) published by the JICA Research Institute.



