【受付終了】Land readjustment projects in Indonesia and Nepal | 比較住宅都市研究会(2019/05/10|東京)


◎開催日時:2019/05/10 18:30~20:30
◎会場: 首都大学東京同窓会 八雲クラブ ニュー渋谷コーポラス10階1001号室 渋谷区宇田川町12-3





Felipe Francisco De Souza (Ph.D. Candidate, Urban Engineering Department, The University of Tokyo)


首都大学東京同窓会 八雲クラブ ニュー渋谷コーポラス10階1001号室(渋谷区宇田川町12-3)







After World War II, and after the coming decades where colonialism and colonial processes came to an end, a whole new space for the diffusion of ideas and models emerged. International agencies, therefore, became the main drivers to support the developing world in turning new ideas into reality and, consequently, scholars began to explore the outcomes of such processes. The process to introduce the idea of land readjustment as an instrument for urban development to a number of Asian developing countries ? mainly
sponsored by the Japanese government ? has been one of the most significant international collaboration in urban planning in the twenty century. Land readjustment adaptation and implementation processes replace old approaches on land use planning and precede significant changes inside planning cultures. Possible critical junctures ? briefly defined as a period of change or rupture which is hypothesized to produce legacies ? might be found when (i) reviewing the historical reconfiguration by which a given country started to implement land readjustment, and (ii) reviewing how that long-term implementation and incremental usage of the instrument influenced the country’s institutions and cities’ environment after many years. The copy of ideas through international cooperation agencies, however, drew attention to the risk of misplaced ideas, or ideas out of their context:
although conceived in a specific context, some ideas might transcend political party administrations and might serve to different purposes from those initially conceived, which might lead to completely unexpected outcomes. Therefore, the scale and quality of achievements related to land readjustment differ considerably from one environment to another, especially by looking at to the initial conditions of the “recipient” country. The presentation will look after the implementation process of land readjustment imported/exported from Japan to Denpasar, Indonesia, and Kathmandu, Nepal.


Former senior consultant for the UN-Habitat and the World Bank, responsible for policy reports on metropolitan governance, integrated development plans and planning instruments. Currently accomplishing his Ph.D. degree at the University of Tokyo, he is the author of articles and books on the previously mentioned themes, including the latest book “Land Readjustment: Solving Urban Problems Through Innovative Approach” (ed. 2018 with Takeo Ochi and Akio Hosono) published by JICA Research Institute.
